Sizes, shapes and species
Not everyone likes the same flavors so we do produce different sizes and species of firewood. Our standard firewood is mostly Maple. We do have Ash, Oak, White Birch, and Cherry available. Our standard length is 16-18 inches. Larger wood for outdoor boilers is available. Our wood is all local cut from our managed forests and purchased in logger cords from the local area. All of our trees are natural and grown organically.

We like to deliver at least 2 cords.

Face Cord
We sell Firewood by the face cord. A face cord is wood stacked 4 feet high in a row 8 feet long and is the width of the wood, normally 16 inches. There would be 3 Face cord to make a full cord, however a logger cord of 8 foot logs does not make 3 face cords, it makes about 2.4 face cords. We have a reputation of delivering fair and generous size loads. A face cord of wood fills the back of a normal size pickup thrown in, not stacked.

We may not be the cheapest source of firewood. We are professionals with insurance, licenses and a good reputation to stay in business. We normally do not touch the wood handling it many times and we do not use dangerous chain saws and wood splitters; we use a large fire wood processor which is loaded with a skid-steer and run from the comfort of a cab. Our trucks and drivers are clean and neat, legal and DOT approved. When you call, we call you back; when we say we will deliver, we bring you what we say we will deliver, not shorting you on quantity or quality!